If you have any questions, please fill out the contact form below. We are happy to help you.
If you would like any independent advice about participation in this study, you may contact:
- L. Jabbarian, PhD, psychologist (l.jabbarian@erasmusmc.nl)
- A. van den Spijker, PhD, psychologist (a.vantspijker@erasmusmc.nl)
They know about the study, but are not involved in it.
If you have any complaints about the study, you can discuss this with the principle investigator. The principle investigator is prof. Myriam Hunink. She can be contacted through the form when specifying the subject to “complaint”.
If you prefer not to do this, you may contact the complaints committee of the Erasmus Medical Centre by mailing them at klachtenopvang@erasmusmc.nl or calling them at +31 (0)10 703 31 98 during 10 AM – 12 AM on Mondays to Fridays.
If you have any questions or remarks about the protection of your privacy, please contact Erasmus MC’s data protection officer via functionaris.gegevensbescherming@erasmusmc.nl or call +31 (0)10 703 49 86. You can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority at +31 (0)70 888 85 00. More information about the Dutch Data Protection Authority can be found here.