The Aikido training will be given eight times on Tuesdays from 17:30 – 19:00 if in-person in a park next to the Erasmus MC and from 20:00 – 21:30 if online via Zoom, starting from April 20th.
In weekly sessions you will receive group-based Aikido lessons by a certified trainer. Each session will take 1.5 hours. Aikido consists largely of physical exercise, and each session will start and end with some individual relaxation exercises. We train the aikido techniques with different partners throughout the class. You will learn to fall (and fail!) without hurting yourself. You will learn to harmonize movement with your training partner. You will learn to regain your balance every time you lose it. In addition to the group class you will be encouraged to engage in practice using the e-Health module for 20-30 minutes per day on 5 days per week.
You will receive further information by email if you are selected for this program.
‘Respond to what life has to offer – that was my take-home message from the aikido sessions – respond in a meaningful and productive way rather than impulsively react.’
‘I really enjoyed the aikido lessons a lot and found them helpful in several ways. For example: the visualization of stress and how to handle it by absorbing the energy and using it, was helpful.’